Monthly Archives: January 2015

The masked ISIS fighter threatened attacks on the US,


‎Friday, ‎January ‎30, ‎2015
ISIS threatens to behead Obama and ‘transform America into Muslim province’:
We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.
The masked ISIS fighter threatened attacks on the US, France, Belgium and the Kurds, claiming that the group’s followers will kill the American and Kurdish presidents as well as detonating car bombs and explosives in European countries that are part of the international coalition fighting against it.

He claims Peshmerga forces “shells the peaceful Muslims of Mosul with American Crusader bombs, and has poisoned dozens of them with asphyxiating gases” as images are shown of damaged buildings, bodies and injured children.

Then the jihadist issues “a message to the entire world” in Kurdish, translated by the Memri Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor.

“This is the fate of anyone who opposes Islam. Know, oh Obama, that we will reach America. Know also that we will cut off your head in the White House and transform America into a Muslim province,” he says.
And this is my message to France and its sister, Belgium. We advise you that we will come to you with car bombs and explosive charges and we will cut off your heads.”

The fighter then beheads the captive with a knife to cheers from the gathered crowd, threatening to send Kurdish president Masoud Barzani a soldier’s head for every missile the Peshmerga launch.

ISIS, which has overrun swathes of Iraq and Syria, has made a number of similar statements since a US-led coalition mounted air strikes against its fighters last year and frequently uses beheading videos as a platform for its propaganda.

As well as the filmed murders of foreign hostages James Foley, David Haines, Alan Henning and most recently, Japanese aid worker Haruna Yukawa, public beheadings have become commonplace in its territories where death is the penalty for numerous unproved “crimes”.

According to the Middle East Media Research Institute (Memri), the video threatening Obama was released by ISIS on Monday, two days after heavy Peshmerga shelling and coalition air strikes were reported in its stronghold of Mosul.

It is the largest city controlled by Isis and one of its longest-standing strongholds in Iraq.

On Saturday, news agencies reported an increase in US air strikes around Mosul aiming to disrupt Isis supply routes ahead of an expected operation later this year to re-take it from militants.

Coalition airstrikes hit at least two dozen locations around Mosul, destroying dozens of vehicles, buildings, fighting positions and insurgent units, military officials said.

The US has claimed that the coalition has “halted the momentum” of ISIS, which made most of its gains largely unchallenged last year.

No foreign armies have yet sent group troops to fight Islamists in the region as fears increase of more Isis-inspired terror attacks following the Charlie Hebdo massacre, Ottawa shootings, Sydney siege and numerous failed plots in the UK, Belgium and across Europe.

The March for Life is the largest annual civil rights march in the world


An estimated 200,000 people joined in a March for Life in Washington, D.C., bringing to the streets in front of Congress their plea for protection of the unborn.

It was double the number of people that go to even the biggest football games or indoor concerts.

Yet the establishment media was virtually absent.

WND Editor and CEO Joseph Farah has joined with Media Research Center and more than 20 pro-life groups in denouncing the establishment TV networks for failing to cover this year’s March for Life, held last week.

According to MRC, CBS was the only major broadcast network that covered the march – and the coverage was limited to 15 seconds during a discussion of moderate Republican opposition to the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

In the meantime, NBC, ABC and Spanish-language networks Univision and Telemundo did not mention the march at all.

“It’s not surprising when the big media ignore large gatherings in Washington – year after year – of hundreds of thousands of pro-life activists, but it is unprofessional and betrays their absolute bias,” Farah said.

Other organizations that have joined MRC in condemning the establishment media include the Catholic League, Liberty Council, the Hispanic Leadership Fund, Concerned Women for America and Human Life International.

Troy Newman, co-author of “Abortion Free: Your Manual for Building a Pro-Life America One Community at a Time,” said he thinks the media are trying to protect a certain narrative about abortion.

“The March for Life is the largest annual civil rights march in the world,” Newman told WND. “For the national media to acknowledge this fact would contradict their premise that 1) abortion is a good thing; 2) the country is firmly pro-abortion; and 3) the pro-lifers are a small, insignificant group of religious extremists.”

Newman is president of Operation Rescue and a member of the MRC coalition, continued.

“In my humble opinion, the media is an extension of the far left – it reports only the approved propaganda and ignores the obvious truths. George Orwell’s ’1984′ has come to life in 2015 – the national media is the ‘Ministry of Truth.’”

Farah agreed that the media are becoming Orwellian.

“As a journalist, senior newspaper executive and media entrepreneur for more than 35 years, I’m genuinely ashamed at what my industry has become,” Farah said. “Not only do they avoid debate and discussion of the sanctity of life, they seek to distort the issue by hiding gatherings with the vigor one would expect only in a totalitarian, closed society with a government-controlled media.”

MRC President Brent Bozell did not hold back, blasting the media for their lack of coverage.

“If these were a few dozen hipsters protesting corporate profits while taking selfies with iPhones, the networks would have wall-to-wall coverage,” Bozell said. “The media cannot be bothered to cover 200,000 pro-lifers who came to Washington in the middle of winter to march for the unborn.

“It’s shameful. If you’re throwing Molotov cocktails at police officers, the media will provide sympathetic coverage to your cause,” he said. “If you’re standing up for the most vulnerable in our society, the media turn a deaf ear. With each passing day, the media continue to hemorrhage their credibility.”

Instead of covering the march, the major TV networks devoted time to the New England Patriots’ “Deflategate” controversy, sidecar dogs in America and Prince Andrew’s sex scandal, according to MRC.

David Kupelian, WND’s managing editor and the driving force behind the monthly news magazine “Whistleblower,” said: “The big media have been shunning pro-lifers for decades. I remember reporting back in 1989 how the Washington Post devoted a dozen stories to a major pro-choice demonstration in D.C., even providing a map and directions to the upcoming rally. But a year later, the gargantuan ‘Rally for Life ’90,’ which attracted approximately 350,000 according to aerial photos, was graced with one 13-inch story and one photo on page B3.”

At the time, Richard Harwood, the Post’s ombudsman, wrote about the non-coverage this way:

[The pro-life event] stirred no juices at the Post. Many editors were unaware it was taking place … Journalists here, [managing editor Leonard] Downie thinks, not only are not part of the anti-abortion movement, but don’t know anyone who is. The movement is seen as one of those “fundamentalist,” “fringe” things somewhere out there in Middle America or Dixie. Those are not the circles in which we travel or from which we draw intellectual nourishment. As one of last weekend’s editors put it: ‘I didn’t even know this was anything important.

100 Hindu families are seeking asylum in India, from Pakistan,




‎Thursday, ‎January ‎29, ‎2015
Understanding Islamic violence; how to defend our freedoms

The article is deeply anti-Western with a common neglect we hear from Indian people to acknowledgement the fact that Britain saved India from its Muslim invaders attempts to turn their nation into an Islamic State. You never hear a single Indian admit this fact which is strange. Instead they are focused purely on anti-Western rhetorics. However, it covers a rather little mention incident where over 2.4 million Hindus were killed by Muslims. Muslim terrorism, attacks, tensions continue to this day. There is no Britain left in India they can blame for it.


In the wake of renewed violence against Hindus in Pakistan, and with more than 100 Hindu families seeking asylum in India, Director of the Canadian Hindu Advocacy group spoke to People of Shambhala. Mr. Banerjee talks about the background to the conflict, and why Pakistan was created in 1947. Why the West should include Hinduism, not just the “Judeo-Christian” tradition. And he also discusses Islam and violence against Hindus and the West, and how we can defend our values and freedoms.


PoS: At the moment about 100 Hindu families are seeking asylum in India, from Pakistan, and are claiming discrimination and violence. There were four doctors murdered on the first day of Eid, and, I think, a Sikh was stabbed as well. Can you tell us a little about that situation?

RB: Sure. The situation is very natural. Most people don’t understand what Pakistan is. Pakistan is a country that was formed for the Muslims. India is a multi-ethnic country for everybody. So Pakistan was formed with the very idea that the only people that should be in Pakistan are Muslims. There is nothing strange about what’s going on in Pakistan today. It’s being going on for a long time.


At independence Pakistan’s population was about ten percent Hindu and Sikh. Now it’s less than one percent. So the question is where did that nine percent go? Well, they were either ethnically cleansed, driven away, or slaughtered in large numbers in the 1971 war between India and Pakistan. In East Pakistan an estimated 2.4 million Hindus were slaughtered in just one year, and hundreds of thousands of Hindu women were raped.


There is nothing surprising about any of this because Islam was introduced into the Asian subcontinent with the objective of occupying and exterminating the Hindus. According to the historian William Durant, and other historians, an estimated 80 million Hindus were killed, were slaughtered, and thousands and thousands of Hindu temples were smashed, and mosques were built on top of them. The Muslims of India tried very hard over the period of their 700 years [of occupation] to wipe out the Hindus. But there was resistance from some of the Hindu kingdoms. They never had full control over India so they were unable to achieve that goal. But that’s the eternal goal. According to Islam, Hinduism is the lowest form of life on the planet. Because Hindus, according to them, they’re polytheistic, they believe in multiple gods. They believe we worship idols, and idol.


Barrett Brown was just sentenced to 5 years in prison for leaking information about hacked private intelligence firms.


‎Thursday, ‎January ‎29, ‎2015
Fucking police state ! Thank you Obama!!!
Yet another targeted
investigative journalist
has been sentenced to time
in prison for attempting to
clear the waters on secretive
intelligence agencies such as
Barrett Brown was just sentenced to 5 years in prison for leaking information about hacked private intelligence firms.

In his statement after the sentence, Brown kept his humor about him saying, “Good News! The U.S. government decided today that because I did such a good job investigating the cyber-industrial complex, they’re now going to send me to investigate the prison-industrial complex.” – See more at: The war against open
information is without
a doubt raging right
under our noses…

Prophet Mohammed is a false prophet as well as a child rapper and killer. Anyone follows is SICK!

‎Wednesday, ‎January ‎28, ‎2015

Turkey orders Facebook to block pages that insult the Prophet Mohammed…
This is America and anything for a profit people will do. Ok, then I will express my freedom of speech and in written form as well as what I think of this so called bull shit of a non god like piece of shit called the Prophet‎
Turkey orders Facebook to block pages that insult the Prophet Mohammed…
This is America and anything for a profit people will do. Ok, then I will express my freedom of speech and in written form as well as what I think of this so called bull shit of a non god like piece of shit called the Prophet Mohammed…
I will continue to do so with making sure it goes world wide as well. Prepare to learn how you make something travel world wide as well into that country called Turkey.
If a person speaks in the names of false gods, that person is a false prophet.
Muhammad spoke in the names of false gods.
Therefore, Muhammad was a false prophet.
If a person delivers a revelation that doesn’t come from God, that person is a false prophet.
Muhammad delivered a revelation that didn’t come from God.
Therefore, Muhammad was a false prophet.
As simple as truth can get! He was a man and a sick one at that!
We have seen that, according to a passage regarded by many Muslims as divine revelation, a person who either delivers a message that does not come from God or speaks in the names of false gods must be a false prophet. But this means that Muhammad was a false prophet, since he did both when he delivered the infamous “Satanic Verses.”
Christianity is confirmed by Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Since Islam contradicts Christianity, and has no comparable confirmation from God, we must reject Islam.
Muhammad didn’t know whether he would go to heaven or hell when he died.
Muhammad claimed that women are less intelligent and less moral than men.
Muhammad allowed his followers to hire prostitutes.
The author of the Qur’an doesn’t know that Miriam, the sister of Aaron and Moses, is a different person from Mary, the mother of Jesus (because their names are the same in Arabic).
The Qur’an contains a prophecy that wasn’t fulfilled.
Muhammad’s teachings about personal hygiene would lead to death if Muslims took them seriously.
After leaving Mecca, Muhammad supported his religion by robbing people.
According to Muslim sources, Muhammad once delivered a revelation from the devil (the “Satanic Verses”).
The Qur’an commands Muslims to violently subjugate Jews and Christians. Mohammed…

I will continue to do so with making sure it goes world wide as well. Prepare to learn how you make something travel world wide as well into that country called Turkey.
If a person speaks in the names of false gods, that person is a false prophet.

Muhammad spoke in the names of false gods.
Therefore, Muhammad was a false prophet.

If a person delivers a revelation that doesn’t come from God, that person is a false prophet.
Muhammad delivered a revelation that didn’t come from God.
Therefore, Muhammad was a false prophet.

As simple as truth can get! He was a man and a sick one at that!
We have seen that, according to a passage regarded by many Muslims as divine revelation, a


erson who either delivers a message that does not come from God or speaks in the names of false gods must be a false prophet. But this means that Muhammad was a false prophet, since he did both when he delivered the infamous “Satanic Verses.”

Christianity is confirmed by Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Since Islam contradicts Christianity, and has no comparable confirmation from God, we must reject Islam.

Muhammad didn’t know whether he would go to heaven or hell when he died.
Muhammad claimed that women are less intelligent and less moral than men.
Muhammad allowed his followers to hire prostitutes.

The author of the Qur’an doesn’t know that Miriam, the sister of Aaron and Moses, is a different person from Mary, the mother of Jesus (because their names are the same in Arabic).
The Qur’an contains a prophecy that wasn’t fulfilled.
Muhammad’s teachings about personal hygiene would lead to death if Muslims took them seriously.
After leaving Mecca, Muhammad supported his religion by robbing people.
According to Muslim sources, Muhammad once delivered a revelation from the devil (the “Satanic Verses”).
The Qur’an commands Muslims to violently subjugate Jews and Christians.

gang of black men that took place last August in Mississippi is a federal hate crime.

‎Tuesday, ‎January ‎27, ‎2015

So, blacks don’t commit hate crimes? Strange very strange…
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has yet to determine if the brutal attack on a white Iraq war veteran by a gang of black men that took place last August in Mississippi is a federal hate crime.

At least one witness described the incident as racially motivated. The attack was allegedly carried out in retaliation for the shooting of Missouri teen Michael Brown.

Former U.S. Marine and Iraq war veteran, Ralph Weems, 32, was severely beaten in late August, allegedly by a crowd of black men at the Huddle House restaurant near West Point, a small town south of Tupelo in the northern part of Mississippi.

Weems suffered brain injury from the attack.

In a statement released in August, the West Point Police said it would investigate the incident as an “aggravated assault,” not “a hate crime.”

Constance Levail McFarland, 21, Marquavious McMillian, 20, and Courtez McMillian, 22, have been charged with aggravated assault in connection with the alleged attack on the veteran.

The FBI, a component of DOJ, and the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation have yet to determine if the attack will be prosecuted as a hate crime.

It is ultimately up to the DOJ Civil Rights Division to decide if it will open a federal hate crime case related to the brutal attack on Weems.

National Assembly the Communist Party of Cuba,” Castro wrote.


‎Tuesday, ‎January ‎27, ‎2015
Fidel Castro ended his long silence over his country’s decision to restore diplomatic ties with the United States, writing that he backs the negotiations even though he distrusts politics in Washington. The comments were the first by the 88-year-old revolutionary leader on the talks with the US since the historic Dec. 17 declaration that the countries would move to restore ties broken more than a half century ago. “I don’t trust the policy of the United States, nor have I exchanged a word with them, but this does not mean I reject a pacific solution to the conflicts,” he wrote in a letter to a student federation read at the University of Havana.

“We will always defend cooperation and friendship with all the people of the world, including with our political adversaries,” he wrote. Two weeks ago, Castro sent a letter to soccer legend Diego Maradona to quash rumors of his death. At the time, it was the first reported word from Castro in nearly three months. The speculation about Castro’s health had been prompted in part by his failure to comment on the historic US-Cuban declaration in December. Cuba’s president, brother Raul Castro, “has taken the pertinent steps in accordance with his prerogatives and the powers given to him by the National Assembly the Communist Party of Cuba,” Castro wrote. The United States and Cuba held high-level talks last week in Havana.

older boy told officers he had accidentally shot his brother.


‎Tuesday, ‎January ‎27, ‎2015
A 15-year-old boy unintentionally fatally shot his 13-year-old brother while playing “cops and robbers” after the boys discovered their father’s hidden gun at a Minnesota home, police said Monday.

Police and paramedics responded to an Eagan home Sunday morning after the 15-year-old reported his brother was unresponsive and bleeding.

The 15-year-old told dispatchers his brother had fallen and stabbed himself while running with a knife. But when police arrived, the older boy told officers he had accidentally shot his brother.

Police said they do not anticipate any arrests in the case.

The boys were home alone with their 11-year-old sister when they found an unloaded 9 mm pistol belonging to their father. A magazine with cartridges for the gun was nearby, police said.

At some point, the firearm was loaded, then thought to be unloaded while the boys chased each other as they played “cops and robbers,” investigators said.

Police said the 15-year-old fired one round that struck his brother in the chest. The 13-year-old died at the scene. The 11-year-old sister did not witness the shooting and was not hurt, police said.

While police said the shooting “appears to be a horrible accident,” the results of their investigation will be presented to the Dakota County Attorney’s Office for review.

No Voice, who are singled out, first, for no right to life.


‎Tuesday, ‎January ‎27, ‎2015
The value of life
The reply to “the value of life”, said,(paraphrased); abortion is
better than troubled children and later societal expense.
Let’s take this view a bit further and include all segments
of the population that become an expense or burden on society.
The elderly- euthanasia at failing assessment, problem solved.
The disabled- same assessment fail-death scenario
All dysfunctional addicts (gamblers, alcoholics, drugs…)-same
Catastrophically injured requiring major long term
rehabilitation and expense with reduced quality of life

Who has the loudest voice? It is the most helpless that have,
No Voice, who are singled out, first, for no right to life.
As in nature, the weakest are first to succumb to attack.
There are few weaker than the unseen, silent, moving, feeling,
infant in the womb of their protector.

I suppose next would be the vegetative individual, then the
frail fragile elderly, if they do not first succumb to the
pharmaceutical treatments,(my opinion).

In prison, the extremely mean-violent live long with appeals.
Surely, appealing for the infant and it’s fight for a
humane death is of equal importance? (sick, isn’t it?)

The infant should be protected above all, because it has no
voice, and has been relegated to fetal tissue status by those
who speak in place of it’s silent screams.

The prisoner, no matter how apparently worthless, has a
lawyer and advocates. At times, he/she is truly innocent and
framed. Too often, he/she is guilty and lives long.

I think the point of the original poster is life value cannot be
accurately measured in dollars or defined by best effort
assessment tests.

My point is this:
It is impossible to assess accurately who may
survive and prosper past tumultuous life events.
Condemn Carefully, it is dangerous ground

On January 27, 1973 the Paris Peace Accords were signed declaring a cease-fire in Vietnam.


January 27, 1973 – ‎January ‎27, ‎2015
Cease-fire in Vietnam
From August 5, 1964 through March 28, 1973, many of you, our Veteran brothers and sisters were among the 8,744,000 active duty U.S. military personnel who proudly served our Nation during the war in Vietnam, with 2,594,000 of you serving within the borders of South Vietnam, some deployed as early as 1954 and leaving as late as 1975. The Vietnam Era also includes all Veterans who served in the Republic of Vietnam as early as February 28, 1961.

Vietnam Veteran Pride Coin Everyone here at has taken a moment to reflect and express our deepest respect and gratitude to the Courage, Bravery and Patriotism of all of our Vietnam Veterans, both living and deceased, along with all of our U.S. Veterans & Military. We salute you.

Vietnam Brothers On January 27, 1973 the Paris Peace Accords were signed declaring a cease-fire in Vietnam. The U.S. government, South Vietnam and North Vietnam governments pledged to “respect the independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of Vietnam as recognized by the 1954 Geneva Agreements on Vietnam.”

The U.S. further agreed to continue withdrawing troops, which resulted in a complete removal of soldiers by March 29, 1973.

The “Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam” was the official title of the signed text.

Over several years beginning as early as 1961, the U.S. escalated its forces in the Vietnam war assisting South Vietnam in opposition to communism – to deter Soviet-based expansion and control throughout Southeast Asia.

By 1968, there were 529,000 Americans fighting in Vietnam. By the end of the war over 58,200 American soldiers had given their lives fighting for our country.

They have put me in fear for my life with warrantless raids at gunpoint


‎                                                                         Monday, ‎January ‎26, ‎2015
Nevada Cop Block’s Story on Dustin McCaskill
Recently, it was reported that Dustin McCaskill was arrested here in Las Vegas for making threats on Facebook. There is some room for arguments about whether the First Amendment applies in this case, but unlike some other recent cases, Dustin has made specific and persistent threats for well over a year.

One of the things mentioned in the article is that these threats were made on Dustin’s “Colorado Cop Block” Facebook page, which has apparently been removed by someone (possibly FB, but as far as I know, the person and exact reason is not known, at this time). There is a bit of context that needs to be added there. Because of violent threats of the same nature both against police and other citizens on Dustin’s previous CB page, “Southern Oklahoma Cop Block,” which was eventually removed by FB as a result of the threats, Cop Block publicly disassociated itself from Dustin and SOCB last year (almost exactly one year ago). Not only was a post made on the main page explaining the reasons for that action, but SOCB was removed from the directory of official CB pages and content generated by that page was no longer accepted for reposts, either on the site or the main Cop Block FB page.

Later, after Dustin moved to Colorado, he again tried to use Cop Block’s notoriety to gain attention for himself, by creating the “Colorado Cop Block” page. This was even after he had himself claimed he didn’t want to be associated with Cop Block and had only kept “Southern Oklahoma Cop Block” as the title of his page because he wasn’t allowed by Facebook to change it. He also had created several anti-Cop Block pages, including one named “Cop Block Exposed” (which actually predated the Cop Block Exposed page that got a bit of attention recently by “exposing” really easy to find information and pictures about some of the members of CB and prompted him to complain about his page being the “original” CBX page).

Some of Dustin’s less than wise advice.
Some of Dustin’s less than wise advice to South Florida Cop Block on Facebook.
It didn’t take long before he was posting violent threats again and had actually escalated to the type of things that got him arrested. So, it also wasn’t long before another post publicly disassociating Cop Block from Dustin and his pages was posted. Instead of listening to that advice about avoiding aggressive behavior, Dustin ran around Facebook posting insults and threats to the admins (myself included) of any of the affiliate pages he could find that had shared that post and stating that admitting to the FBI that he made those threats, as well as the threats themselves, were “the way to get things done” or some variation of that.

We can have discussions about when and if people should defend themselves against aggression by the cops, which is something Cop Block has done in the past, as evidenced by the “controversial” (mostly among people that have never watched it) Larken Rose video “When Should You Shoot a Cop?,” which discusses that very issue. Also, as stated, there is some level of argument that can be made about the First Amendment protection of speech vs. actions. However, making public threats (that Dustin obviously wasn’t even capable of carrying out) isn’t actually the way to get anything done, but more realistically, just a good way to get yourself put in prison, where you can’t do shit but sit and stare at a wall, or maybe even get murdered yourself.

The real moral to this entire story is that, unlike the police, Cop Block does blow the whistle on people that are potentially dangerous and that aren’t upholding the purpose and principles of Cop Block as an organization. Rather than making excuses for and covering up for Dustin, when we saw that he might likely do something that would reflect badly on all of us and prevent us from doing the positive mission that we set about to do, we publicly disassociated ourselves from him and warned others that he did not represent us or our goals as an organization. As has been stated numerous times, Cop Block is committed to non-aggression in our efforts to eliminate police abuses and aggression from them against others.

In addition, as I personally stated in a post the morning before I and three other individuals were arrested for peacefully and legally protesting the incredible lack of accountability by the LVMPD in August of 2013, it would benefit police themselves if they would exercise the same sort of responsibility when members of their group do things that will reflect badly on them and hinder their ability to accomplish their “mission,” instead of reacting with even more aggression toward those who rightfully point out those transgressions.

The transgressions of individuals reflect badly on a group at an inverse level dictated by the positive actions that a group takes to address those actions. When a group covers up for and enables an individual to continue negative behavior, the actions of those individuals rightfully reflects badly on the entire group. When a group does the right thing, then people understand that no group can keep every individual that has ever been involved with that group from doing something bad. “Bad Apples” have to be removed before they spoil the whole barrel, not used as an excuse that allows the rot to continue.

Cop Block can point to a legitimate and consistent history of holding our bad apples accountable for their adverse actions, while the police have a long and constant tradition of protecting theirs from any sort of repercussions for their actions, regardless of how bad or deadly they might be.
A Colorado man has been arrested in Las Vegas for allegedly making Facebook threats to kill law enforcement officers.

Dustin McCaskill, of Colorado Springs, was ordered late last week to remain in federal custody on charges of interstate communications with intent to extort.

In late December, FBI agents in Colorado had warned McCaskill to stop posting threats on his Colorado Cop Block Facebook page, which says it dedicates itself to “exposing” law enforcement officers who commit acts of corruption or misconduct in that state.

FBI agents took McCaskill into custody in Las Vegas after they determined he was posting new threats on the page while staying at the Riviera, according to a criminal complaint.

Agents learned he had been staying in a room at the Riviera with his mother for about a week, the complaint said.

In a Jan. 11 post, McCaskill is alleged to have said, “Hey FBI, how about I kill one of your foot soldiers next time they try to raid me at gunpoint on a warrantless raid? How’s that sound?”

According to the criminal complaint, on Jan. 13 McCaskill wrote, “I’m threatening to kill a cop or FBI agent. They have put me in fear for my life with warrantless raids at gunpoint … Now, come arrest me you (expletive) cowards. I just made a threat. I’m going to be the pigs worst nightmare. Come get me.”

Then, in a Jan. 15 post, McCaskill allegedly said, “I’m going to kill an officer or two and let them take me out. What the (expletive) are they going to do? Die with me. We can just have some suffering families.”

As of late Tuesday, all three posts, with others critical of authorities, were still on the Colorado Cop Block page.

McCaskill admitted to FBI agents in Las Vegas that he posted the Jan. 13 and Jan. 15 comments on the Facebook page, the complaint said.

First off CopBlock you don’t have a strong union such as the police unions that protect all those bad apple’s as you say. Second, I agree that threats are just that and should not be allowed on any open community form where others wish to speak of others. All organizations have their bad apples, and they use them such as the police do. The bad apples are used to gain entry into outside organizations information in order to close or imprison them. After all once your part of this thug gang then it’s next to impossible to dismiss any bad apples as you like to call them. So, there continued to be used as well as getting away with crimes against citizens. Understandable as to your free speech type of threats from someone in your organization and getting away from them. But, to be little someone because of their personal feelings as well as knowing that he has to face a corrupt police and court system is not very becoming. Then again that is just my own personal opinion. I have hard feelings as well against cops but I call them badge wearer’s as they can be prison or jail baby sitters that love that badge power that they have to control others. I think of the wrongs I have seen over my many years as well as unjust bullshit from these crooks of thugs that wear badges and have no beliefs in the Constitution of these once great United States of America.I have seen these badge wearing thugs lie on the stand in the court of law and there even told to lie, but if a citizen as were all called by any thug trooper lie, then it’s jail ,fines, court costs. These thugs with badges are not corrected as severely as any citizen and even not held to the laws that they enforce. I am sure you understand what I am saying that degrading anyone that has or wants to be a member of cop block should not have to show any badge wearing thugs that your within the laws of the state as it makes you look like a coward and that is exactly what these badge wearing thugs look for. They could care less if you attack one of your own as you never see them doing that with there dirty rotten pig rotten apples! Would say more but then I may slip with my freedom of speech and it be turned into a threat.

Phone:817-459-5700 Twitter: @arlingtonpd


‎Monday, ‎January ‎26, ‎2015

I have no doubt that that the Arlington cop block has been a big topic back at the station and wouldn’t be surprised to learn that their response in this video was ordered.

It appears the cops are becoming frantic. None of their lies, intimidation tactics and bullying have worked to make you go away. Since you video record their actions……. it is difficult for them to falsify charges and throw you in cages.

None of their training prepared them for this. Imagine..a group of citizens who know their rights and cannot be bullied, lied to (effectively) and intimidated. When cops cannot bully, intimidate, and are forced to follow the constitution….they are completely at a loss.
But then they will shoot and say they feared for there life for any reason…

Phone:817-459-5700 Twitter: @arlingtonpd
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Please take a minute and go to the Arlington Police Department’s Facebook page. Leave them negative feedback and a negative review for illegally arresting two cop watchers yesterday. Please HELP!

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Twitter: @arlingtonpd

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Phone:817-459-5700 Twitter: @arlingtonpd


Please take a minute and go to the Arlington Police Department’s Facebook page. Leave them negative feedback and a negative review for illegally arresting two cop watchers yesterday. Please HELP!

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Relax, take the good with the bad. I loved NWA,


‎                                                            Monday, ‎January ‎26, ‎2015
Know how to drive?
That 2 lane braking thing is courtesy. Curvy roads,
hills, concern for the safety of others. The habit gets extended
to flat roads, by some drivers, because of habit.

NWA has done a lot right, just look at the economic growth
accomplished by those “country hicks” and give credit where
credit is due.
Many new-comers have moved to NWA, to benefit themselves-
by taking jobs working for “hick” owners/founders, I might add.
Some new arrivals gripe about the driving.
They probably griped in St Louie too, but I don’t see’em
packing up to move back to the proliferation of gangs,
violence, gun control, taxes, property devaluations,
and perpetual freebies, that big city politics has so amply
Is it to much to ask of these migrant workers, to show some
appreciation for brotherly courtesy, jobs, housing, and feeding,
that the paychecks of these workers provide?
New-Comers were welcomed to NWA with all the above
mentioned benevolence.
Surely a little “tolerance” of regional courtesy,and, a few,
frustrations, is not to much to ask?
They did it without you and can continue to do it without you,
just fine.

Yes, I was intentionally condescending-as are the driving nazis.
But, the point needed made.
Relax, take the good with the bad. I loved NWA, and got used
to the concept that I was going to get nowhere, fast. But, there
was always willing help if I had problems. And, gracious
courtesy extended, if I errored in the proper way of doing slow.

What the fuck is the matter with you morons? Learn to drive or get off the road…


‎Sunday, ‎January ‎25, ‎2015
DOES ANYONE HERE KNOW HOW TO F****** DRIVE??!?!?!?!?! – 99 (Arkansas)
What the fuck is the matter with you morons? The PASSING lane. Yes, it is the lane on the left, however, before it is the left lane, it’s the passing lane. If you’re not passing GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE PASSING LANE YOU DUMB FUCKS!!!!! You plant your ass in the passing lane passing NOBODY, then when someone wants to get around your dumb fucking ass, you floor it?!?!?! They wanted to pass because they wanted to go faster, get the fuck over it. You aren’t doing the community a favor by slowing them down, you’re just a fucking cunt. Move the fuck over.

Highway on-ramps/acceleration lanes…. you guessed it, FUCKING ACCELERATE! Merging onto the highway at 35mph might be fuel efficient, but what is fuel efficiency if you’re fucking dead? Merge at the fucking speed of traffic, morons, or get the fuck off the road. Look over your fucking shoulder before you get to the end of the ramp too, that might help.

Yield. It does NOT mean stop, and wait for cars to get in your way. It means GIVE WAY!!!! No other traffic in the intersection? NO FUCKING YIELD!!!! It’s not that fucking hard! If people opened their fucking eyes and looked at the intersection before they were stopped at it…. maybe you’d know if there was someone in the intersection.

4-way stop. It does NOT mean slow down and go when everyone else stops. You stop, and the two opposing lanes of traffic cross simultaneously. It’s not that fucking hard. It’s not a fucking red light either so you don’t need to wait for sunrise.

If you’re merging into traffic, and you have a solid white line next to you, along with an entire lane ahead sectioned off JUST for you….. WHY DO YOU FUCKING STOP!?!?!?! You have a whole fucking lane to yourself you stupid fucks!!!!! FUCKING MOVE!!!!!!

Left/right turns. You make your turn, you stay in the fucking lane closest to you. You don’t make your left, then go AAAALLLLL the way over to the fucking right crossing multiple lanes of traffic. You turn left, you fucking stay in the left lane, THEN you signal right, and move over.

You don’t need to wait until every single fucking car is out of the intersection before you make a turn, you simply turn into the nearest lane when it’s clear, then accelerate to the speed limit in a timely fashion and fucking maintain that speed. If you can’t maintain a fucking speed within 5mph, then use your fucking cruise control so the person behind you doesn’t have to keep slowing down and speeding up for your incompetent ass.

Why is it so hard for you fucking people to just navigate yield signs, 4-way stops, merging lanes, and on-ramps properly? If the speed limit is 55, fucking go 55 or move the fuck over for faster traffic like the signs say!

Learn how to drive you dumb fucks. It’s fine if you like driving like a retard, but you share the road with other people so be fucking considerate.